AMOA640 Skin Clinic’s Rejuran Healer is one of our top skin boosters and rejuvenation treatment. The Rejuran Healer is made out of DNA isolated from salmon, particularly salmon milt or sperm, and contains pure polynucleotides (PN). Because it encourages cell development and fibroblast activation, the Rejuran healer must be injected into the dermis.  As a result, its primary job is to help the body’s repair and regeneration capabilities. The treatment costs cheaper and has fewer risks and downtime than surgical treatments. 

Many Koreans are interested in the Rejuran Healer because it addresses skin concerns such as moderate skin laxity, crow’s feet, wrinkles, expression lines, and enlarged pores. It stimulates the natural production of the components required to maintain healthy skin and a youthful look. It is also distinctive in that it does not include superfluous immunogenic proteins, as opposed to other skin boosters that may affect your immune system and trigger disruption. Furthermore, the Rejuran Healer is entirely safe and biocompatible with the human body.

The Rejuran Healer treatment underwent clinical trials to support its claims of efficacy, durability, and safety. According to the results, test subjects that were given the Rejuran Healer treatment showed a significant difference in skin surface roughness and wrinkle depth. Additionally, data suggests that Rejuran Healer is a new regenerative treatment that can significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles safely and effectively. 

At AMOA640 Skin Clinic, we ensure that all treatments are scientifically tried, tested, and validated. However, there may be inevitable exclusions, specifically if your skin condition is incompatible with the treatment. Hence, a consultation with our board-certified dermatologist is necessary. Furthermore, because our dermatologists personally administer this method of treatment, you will be unable to proceed with the treatment without our dermatologist’s consent. During the appointment, the doctor will thoroughly analyze your skin health and may recommend oral medications and lotions to improve the look of your skin.

Expect momentary redness and bruising on your face, but don’t panic, for it will fade away in a few days. Also, because the PN is transmitted by penetration, little lumps on treated regions are to be expected, but they will subside in two to three days. Many clients have found that a single session is adequate, however, our physicians recommend three to five sessions spaced two weeks apart for optimal results.

Currently, the Rejuran Healer is the utmost treatment for skin aging and skin damage in Korea, which says a lot about it, considering the wide variety of skin boosters in the Korean market. Additionally, it has components that are a hundred percent compatible with the human body that triggers and exacerbates the body’s natural process of skin repair and regeneration. With this, you have nothing to fear, especially when it is FDA-approved and clinically proven effective in delaying the signs of aging.