South Korea specializes in surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments, as well as various skin rejuvenation therapies. As a result, many foreigners visit Seoul only for the goal of addressing their skin issues. Hence, all of the products and treatments we provide at AMOA640 Skin Clinic have been clinically tried, evaluated, and confirmed to be effective, safe, and effective, and one of our famous skin-lifting treatments is the Oligio.

Oligo is a South Korean-developed FDA and KFDA-approved skin lifting therapy that uses a high frequency of 6.78 MHz to treat skin sagging and aging concerns. The overwhelming of skin problems brought to aesthetic clinics in the field of cosmetology is skin issues associated with skin aging, such as the conspicuous appearance of pores, wrinkles, fine lines, and expression lines.

Oligio works by activating collagen production in the dermis (deeper layer of the skin) through radio frequency (RF) high frequency like Thermage. Then, it transmits heat from the device that stimulates fibroblasts and collagen, helps remodel the dermis, and activates (more) the regenerative properties of the body responsible for making us appear young and healthy through a natural process. With this, there is a significant improvement in the skin’s elasticity, texture, volume, and regeneration. In other words, the Oligio treatment intensifies your body’s regenerative production to make you look young. 

Additionally, the Oligio has a cooling system, using a unipolar high-frequency device that releases a cooling gas while it transmits heat from the high-frequency energy. This mode helps your skin to maintain the appropriate temperature to protect the epidermis throughout the procedure. Thus, it minimizes the effects, and no layers of the skin are harmed during the treatment. 

Before undertaking any procedure, we guarantee that you get a face-to-face consultation with our board-certified physician at AMOA640 Skin Clinic. This method would allow us to comprehensively assess your skin condition and choose the most appropriate therapy for you. Furthermore, it helps the doctor to determine whether you should combine Oligio with other treatments for the best results.

Oligio also has stability purposes with the help of a cooling system that reduces your pain during the procedure. In addition, it can also shoot continuously between shots, significantly shortening the treatment period and increasing its precision. The treatment may last fifteen to thirty minutes, and since it has no downtime, you may resume your usual routine afterward. 

Please keep in mind, however, that Oligio and other non-surgical facelifts are only temporary. Also, they cannot achieve the same results as facelifts, such as skin grafting. Still, the results are encouraging and immediate.