The Elasticity booster is an elasticity booster treatment that aims to regenerate the body’s regenerative properties to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance through mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a technique that utilizes injections to transmit vitamins, enzymes, and hormones to the tissues and layers beneath the skin for rejuvenation and (sometimes) fat reduction. This treatment is best suited for those suffering from the physical changes brought by the intrinsic and extrinsic factors of aging. 

The Elasticity booster, like other non-surgical fillers, is a great option to surgical face lifts, but what distinguishes it is the components contained in the vial. It is the consolidation of all necessary regenerative properties in a fixed quantity to be delivered. Furthermore, it promotes the body to maintain a healthy appearance through a natural process.

The Elasticity booster contains the Filorga NTCF135HA material, which was developed and manufactured in France and has regenerative abilities (hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamins, co-enzymes, etc.). These properties are recognized by the body, making them biocompatible. The Elasticity booster therefore considerably gives the skin with the nutrients it requires to maintain a healthy appearance and to defend itself through stimulation. Mesotherapy is used by the doctor to deliver this treatment. This procedure may be effective and safe for all skin types and colors, but you must consult with a board-certified dermatologist first. Furthermore, for your safety and assurance, only medical experts may administer the NTCF135HA solution and other non-surgical skin booster therapies. 

The NTCF135HA booster serves as a trigger to boost the effectiveness of such effects. As a result, carefully washing the skin, preparing it, and administering a topical numbing lotion before the treatment is important.

The Elasticity booster treatment requires a minimum of six sessions, with a one-week interval for rest time, to see drastic results. However, this may depend on the administering doctor and your skin condition and severity. You may also experience bruising, redness, and tiny bumps on treated areas, but there is no need to be alarmed, for it is normal and will eventually subside in a few days. It also has minimal downtime, so you must be attentive to the aftercare and recommendations of the doctor. 

If you’re still anxious about the treatment, multiple clinical experiments have shown favorable effects and substantial improvements in pore size, skin laxity, skin texture, hydration, and tightness while utilizing the NTCF135HA solution, which is a component of our elasticity booster. Data from a study that tested the efficacy of Filorga NTCF135HA using mesotherapy to address skin aging concerns reveals that minimally invasive mesotherapy (NTCF135HA) can significantly improve skin texture.